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SafeSend Tax Returns

Safe. Secure. Collaborative.

HFA & SafeSend Tax Returns

HFA is excited to announce the integration of SafeSend Returns to our tax process! With SafeSend, you will enjoy a fast, secure, and easy-to-use electronic tax return signing process.


The user-friendly and intuitive system will walk you through step-by-step on how to review and download your return, electronically sign it, and submit it – all online.


The hassle-free process:


  1. You will first receive an email from SafeSend with a unique link, letting you know that your return is ready to be reviewed and signed.

  2. Click on the access link.

  3. It will first ask for the last four digits of your social security number.

  4. Then, SafeSend will send an additional email with an access code to access your return with.

  5. When your identity has been verified, SafeSend will take you step-by-step through the review and signature process.

  6. Then, when you’re ready to sign, SafeSend will ask you to answer three identity verification questions.

  7. Once you’ve signed and submitted the e-file authorization forms, your HFA Accountant will be notified and will complete the process.







If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or visit the SafeSend FAQ page for more information.

Click here for video tutorials:

SafeSend Returns Request

Please fill out this form if you have additional questions or would like to utilize SafeSend Returns.

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